Welcome to Punq’s documentation!


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An unintrusive library for dependency injection in modern Python. Inspired by Funq, Punq is a dependency injection library you can understand.

  • No global state
  • No decorators
  • No weird syntax applied to arguments
  • Small and simple code base with 100% test coverage and developer-friendly comments.


Punq is available on the cheese shop.

pip install punq

Documentation is available on Read the docs.

Quick Start

Punq avoids global state, so you must explicitly create a container in the entrypoint of your application:

import punq

container = punq.Container()

Once you have a container, you can register your application’s dependencies. In the simplest case, we can register any arbitrary object with some key:

container.register("connection_string", instance="postgresql://...")

We can then request that object back from the container:

conn_str = container.resolve("connection_string")

Usually, though, we want to register some object that implements a useful service.:

class ConfigReader:
   def get_config(self):

class EnvironmentConfigReader(ConfigReader):
   def get_config(self):
      return {
         "logging": {
            "level": os.env.get("LOGGING_LEVEL", "debug")
         "greeting": os.env.get("GREETING", "Hello world")

container.register(ConfigReader, EnvironmentConfigReader)

Now we can resolve the ConfigReader service, and receive a concrete implementation:

config = container.resolve(ConfigReader).get_config()

If our application’s dependencies have their own dependencies, Punq will inject those, too:

class Greeter:
   def greet(self):

class ConsoleGreeter(Greeter):
   def __init__(self, config_reader: ConfigReader):
      self.config = config_reader.get_config()

   def greet(self):

container.register(Greeter, ConsoleGreeter)

If you just want to resolve an object without having any base class, that’s okay:

class Greeter:
   def __init__(self, config_reader: ConfigReader):
      self.config = config_reader.get_config()

   def greet(self):


And if you need to have a singleton object for some reason, we can tell punq to register a specific instance of an object:

class FileWritingGreeter:
   def __init__(self, path, greeting):
      self.path = path
      self.message = greeting
      self.file = open(self.path, 'w')

   def greet(self):

one_true_greeter = FileWritingGreeter("/tmp/greetings", "Hello world")
container.register(Greeter, instance=one_true_greeter)

You might not know all of your arguments at registration time, but you can provide them later:

container.register(Greeter, FileWritingGreeter)
greeter = container.resolve(Greeter, path="/tmp/foo", greeting="Hello world")

Conversely, you might want to provide arguments at registration time, without adding them to the container:

container.register(Greeter, FileWritingGreeter, path="/tmp/foo", greeting="Hello world")

Fuller documentation is available on Read the docs.

Github workflows, nox configuration, and linting gratefully stolen from Hypermodern Python


class punq.Container[source]

Provides dependency registration and resolution.

This is the main entrypoint of the Punq library. In normal scenarios users will only need to interact with this class.

register(service, factory=<punq._Empty object>, instance=<punq._Empty object>, scope=<Scope.transient: 0>, **kwargs)[source]

Register a dependency into the container.

Each registration in Punq has a “service”, which is the key used for resolving dependencies, and either an “instance” that implements the service or a “factory” that understands how to create an instance on demand.


If we have an object that is expensive to construct, or that wraps a resouce that must not be shared, we might choose to use a singleton instance.

>>> import sqlalchemy
>>> from punq import Container
>>> container = Container()
>>> class DataAccessLayer:
...     pass
>>> class SqlAlchemyDataAccessLayer(DataAccessLayer):
...     def __init__(self, engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine):
...         pass
>>> dal = SqlAlchemyDataAccessLayer(sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///"))
>>> container.register(
...     DataAccessLayer,
...     instance=dal
... )
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> assert container.resolve(DataAccessLayer) is dal
If we need to register a dependency, but we don’t need to
abstract it, we can register it as concrete.
>>> class FileReader:
...     def read (self):
...         # Assorted legerdemain and rigmarole
...         pass
>>> container.register(FileReader)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> assert type(container.resolve(FileReader)) == FileReader

In this example, the EmailSender type is an abstract class and SmtpEmailSender is our concrete implementation.

>>> class EmailSender:
...     def send(self, msg):
...         pass
>>> class SmtpEmailSender (EmailSender):
...     def send(self, msg):
...         print("Sending message via smtp")
>>> container.register(EmailSender, SmtpEmailSender)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> instance = container.resolve(EmailSender)
>>> instance.send("beep")
Sending message via smtp
resolve_all(service, **kwargs)[source]

Return all registrations for a given service.

Some patterns require us to use multiple implementations of an interface at the same time.


In this example, we want to use multiple Authenticator instances to check a request.

>>> class Authenticator:
...     def matches(self, req):
...         return False
...     def authenticate(self, req):
...         return False
>>> class BasicAuthenticator(Authenticator):
...     def matches(self, req):
...         head = req.headers.get("Authorization", "")
...         return head.startswith("Basic ")
>>> class TokenAuthenticator(Authenticator):
...     def matches(self, req):
...         head = req.headers.get("Authorization", "")
...         return head.startswith("Bearer ")
>>> def authenticate_request(container, req):
...     for authn in req.resolve_all(Authenticator):
...         if authn.matches(req):
...             return authn.authenticate(req)
resolve(service_key, **kwargs)[source]

Build an return an instance of a registered service.

instantiate(service_key, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate an unregistered service.

exception punq.MissingDependencyError[source]

Raised when a service, or one of its dependencies, is not registered.


>>> import punq
>>> container = punq.Container()
>>> container.resolve("foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
punq.MissingDependencyError: Failed to resolve implementation for foo
exception punq.InvalidRegistrationError[source]

Raised when a registration would result in an unresolvable service.

exception punq.InvalidForwardReferenceError[source]

Raised when a registered service has a forward reference that can’t be resolved.


In this example, we register a service with a string as a type annotation. When we try to inspect the constructor for the service we fail with an InvalidForwardReferenceError

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from punq import Container
>>> @dataclass
... class Client:
...     dep: 'Dependency'
>>> container = Container()
>>> container.register(Client)
Traceback (most recent call last):
punq.InvalidForwardReferenceError: name 'Dependency' is not defined

This error can be resolved by first registering a type with the name ‘Dependency’ in the container.

>>> class Dependency:
...     pass
>>> container.register(Dependency)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> container.register(Client)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> container.resolve(Client)
Client(dep=<punq.Dependency object at 0x...>)

Alternatively, we can register a type using the literal key ‘Dependency’.

>>> class AlternativeDependency:
...     pass
>>> container = Container()
>>> container.register('Dependency', AlternativeDependency)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> container.register(Client)
<punq.Container object at 0x...>
>>> container.resolve(Client)
Client(dep=<punq.AlternativeDependency object at 0x...>)